Monday, November 28, 2011

What are the connections between morals and religion?

Morals are rules. Different religions have different morals. Every religion connects to morals. All religions model morals through tradition and stories.
Hinduism connects to morals because they believe that every living thing has a soul. That might influence and connect to morals because they would treat everything differently and their morals might build off kindess and respect. Christianity connects to morals through its stories. The stories all teach kindness. Buddhism follow the moral respect and kindness. Lots of religions believe on the circle of birth, life, death and then rebirth. If you follow the moral/rules of the religion then you would die and go to heaven and not be reborn.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Odysseus Summary

In chapter two Odysseus and his men reached an island. Him and his crew searched the island for food and supplies. They found a cave, which held a Cyclops. The men were trapped in the cave and needed to escape. They blinded the Cyclops and snuck out of the cave.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I preferred Daedalus and Icarus. I found it more interesting because Daedalus and Icarus got trapped in a maze that Daedalus had made. They had to hurry if they wanted to get out alive because they had a Minotaur chasing them. Both the stories had emotion and pain/rage. They also had bad but not good endings.

Monday, August 15, 2011



Who is fun, sporty, awesome, caring, respectful and kind.

Who is a brother or sister of Emma.

Who loves sports, drums, cats and family.

Who feels happy with friends and family and my cat Bella.

Who needs friends, food, humor and love.

Who gives kindness, respect, honesty and help.

Who fears Spiders, scorpions, reading and writing tests and quizzes.

Who would like to see America, the rugby world cup and his friends from New Zealand.

who shares fun, toys and peace.

who is a 13 year old and a good friend to Julian.

who is a resident of Malaysia and NZ.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End Is Near

The piece that I am most proud of is my Ancient Egyptian Dairy. It took lots of effort and lots of research. I was a big challenge for me because my weakness is writing. We had to do 3 dairy entries each had to be over 1000 words. This was the one piece I did that I am most proud of.

Some of the greatest challenges I have completed is maps testing and tic tac toe. Map testing is where you do a big test of the computer it takes along time and you answer about 50 questions if you get one right it takes you to the next level. The tic tac toe is three things that you have to complete in three weeks but you are in a group of three. Example: for my tic tac toe I worked with radika and julian. We chose to do a power point, 2 dairy entries and a mobile. Those were the two main challenges in 6th grade for me.

This year I learned about my self I learned that I am the letter oo for my profile that means I should sit near the back on the left side and It means that I distract a lot of people when I am board so thats why I should sit near the back. I also learned that I like to work in groups and I always need something to do.

For my behavior I would say I am satisfactory for my participation I would say I would be satisfactory, for my organization I would say I could need improving and for effort I put in what the teachers expect.

One of my goals for 7 grade is to make a big effort to do more of what the teachers expect. I chose this goal because it is hard to achieve but not to hard. I also feel like I need to put more effort in.

My second goal is to be organized most of the year. It will help me with my work and time.

some of the advice I would give to the class of 2018 is if you have trouble with your locker. It would only be for 3 or 4 days. Also The teachers are not scary until you get to know them.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Letter to Mum and Dad

Dear Mum and Dad,

You are probably wondering why I ran away and where I am. I ran away because I didn't want to be capped. I found out that you don't have to be capped if you really don't want to. There is a way to be free, but it takes a lot of courage. You need to go to the White Mountains and there you will be not be capped, but I can not reveal the information on how to get to the White Mountains. I am very sorry, but I can't say where I am just in case this letter is discovered by the Tripods; they would kill me. Since you guys are capped you would not know this, but you had freedom before and it all got taken away when you were capped. I don't want that to happen to me. I miss you and try not to worry about me; I am safe and Henry is with me too.

I have learned a lot of things on my journey to wherever I am. I think I made the right decision. I am happy that I have made it and having freedom is great. I had a great adventure and I am proud of myself of having the guts to take a massive risk.

Yours sincerely,

Sunday, March 27, 2011


The quote on Pg 111 relates to freedom. reason that it relates to freedom
The first one reason is when Will comes into the castle and gets taken care of and sees everyone doing their job well, they know where there place is in the castle, they know what to do and they look after each other. They all have kindness, respect, bravery, power and are strong. What is the point of all this if they cant use it. They cant use it because they are Capped, and when you are Capped all your freedom and choice is taken away.

The second reason is being capped. Capping takes your choice away and your freedom. The people in the castle want to be capped they think it shows that they are turning from a boy to a man or from a girl to a lady. Will isn't Capped so he thinks differently he dose not want to be capped he thinks it is going from freedom to slavery. His freedom is to be in the White Mountains without being Capped. People have different thoughts of freedom. For example Will looks at the knights and thinks they are big, brave and strong but they cant say that because they have no choice.

Monday, March 21, 2011

White Mountains

The Tripods put these caps on your head when you are 13. They put the caps on your head when you are 13 because it is a celebration from a Boy to a man or from a Girl to a lady. The Tripods control you by the caps on your head. They take away your creativity, freedom, life and all the other stuff you can do. You would end up having a boring and simple life. The Tripods also erase your memory, so you wont remember anything you did before you are caped. Will had lot his only good friend he trusted, and when he tried to talk to him about freedom and stuff about the Tripods. Jack would be clueless and would not be interested about anything they use to talk about, that really makes Will think that he will do anything to not be caped.

Will loved being in the castle he was living a comfortable life. There was one thing that made him stressed or angry, it was that everyone is capped and he couldn't talk about anything he wanted to talk about. For example he couldn't talk about the capping or Tripods or the pocket watch. He must of found it was very quiet. There was also not much to do.Quote pg 108 " I suppose I was a little confused still." "I said." "Then they might help us!" "Beanpole shook his head, sunlight flashing from his lenses in front of his eyes." "No after all they are capped." "They have different customs, they obey the Tripods." " They are still slaves." "They treat us kindly, but they must not know our plans." This quote shows that Will and Beanpole are stress that they are capped.

Will dosen't want to be capped thats why he wants to go to the white mountains. Will is disappointed that Jack is capped. If Jack was the same age as Will, he would be on the journey to the white mountains with them. Jack would know a lot about and would be great help for them. Quote pg. 121 " To accept would be to let down the others-Henry and Beanpole, the Vagrant Ozymandias, captain Curtis, all the free men in the White Mountains. I would not so that: nothing would tempt me to do it." This quote shows that he dose not want to be capped and he wants to live a free life

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How will Beanpole help Will and Henry on their journey to the White Mountains ?

These are some reasons why I think Beanpole can help Will and Henry on there journey to the white mountains. The first is beanpole can speak there language. The second reason is that beanpole knows the land, he knows how to fit in, he know the people they could possibly run into. He also knows the way to the white mountains.

Will and Henry would need Beanpole on the journey to help them speak there language when they need to talk to someone important. If Will and his companions had to go through the city they would end up running in to some local people. If it was just Henry and Will they wouldn't say anything and that also ties into fitting in. Now Henry and Will would not fit in. I think the local people would think something is up since they are not capped and not from this country. The local people might think that they are escaping and then the local people would report to someone who is in charge. That would mean Will and Henry would be watched. If Will and Henry ran into people who are looking for them they wouldn't be able to answer anything. They wouldn't know if it was good or bad. The people who were looking for Will could be telling them something important that they would need to know.

Another reason is they would need beanpole to know the way to the white mountains. They would need him so they would not get lost and take a wrong turn to something bad. If they didn't have him it would also put more stress on Will because the tripods are looking for them and they can travel fast. Quote " They were traveling much faster than a horse gallops." Pg 60 This quote shows that the tripods are really fast and Will and Henry can't out run a tripod. Will and Henry would have to walk where ever they go. If one tripod saw them they would be in big trouble. There would be no escape for Will and Henry. Will and Henry would need to find the white mountains quickly. They can't get lost so they would need Beanpole!!!!

This is why Will and Henry will need beanpole. Beanpole is important!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

How Is Will Just Like Me?

In our class I have been reading a book called the White Mountains by John Christopher, it is a great book. Will is the main charter in the story. Will has a friend Jack who just got capped by the tripods. Tripods are things that are robots that walk around on three legs, they also put caps on people. caps are chips that they put on your head and that is how they control people. Henry is Wills cousin and they do not get along together. Later on in the book Will and Henry have to become friends and set out on a journey to the White Mountains. Ozy mandyais is a person who is pretending to be capped and told Will there is another option in life than being capped.

One reason that Will is like me is that we are the same age and when I was born my parents weren't sure to name me Will after a bit of an argument they chose the name Sam. Another reason that we are the same is that when I was a little boy I loved going on adventures and exploring new places is well as going a head. That can also gets me into a bit of trouble but its worth it. One time when I went to a park it wasn't really a park it was a hill that was made into a big park. Me and my cousin Sarah would always have races to the top of an big big creator. I would always win.

Another reason that me and Will are a like

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I think the pharaohs created monuments so that when someone can go inside a peaceful place and remember the people who died and what they did. They also might of built the monuments for memories and drawings also ceremony's of there family or Kings or Queens. One of the other reasons that I think they could build monuments is when there is a new civilization. The archeologists these days could find the monuments and find the pharaohs then they could be remember by us and what they did in there lives.

Some of the monuments we have that they have is pyramids. The pyramids that held important people who have died such as pharaohs or important people. They also hold gold, statues of gods or pharaoh is well as sarcophagus with someone in it that is important. They put all sorts of stuff in such as gold, food games and other stuff.

It helps because we can share it with our partner and work together quicker instead of writing the notes and script. We can do our notes and script and edit each others mistakes.

I learn't you can work with anyone or work with someone different that you have never really worked with. I found that it is a fun way to share information about anything. This is a great way to share information because you can use your imagination.

I found the pictures the hardest because you have to make sure there not fuzzy. It was really hard for me and my partner to get the right pictures that was not fuzzy. Our other problem was saving it right. We ended up mixing our project with someone else's project do we had to started again. But in the end we finished.

I think I would chose think creatively because we made it funny and with good information and you can do anything we went out side the box and thought hard.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Well We Think We Did and How We need to Improve on Our Power Point

I think I did well on my power point because I explained everything good. It took me a while to get all my facts because I had no internet and I did it all at school. I am proud of myself because I got a great grade. I also had a peer helper editor which helped me so they could see any mistakes that I missed. I had 12 slides instead of 6 and much more information. I also added a bit about my city. Over all I think I did great.

I would improve my facts make them more detailed and more interesting and also be prepared to answer questions. I think I need to be a bit louder and site my sources properly. We are learning in class to site our sources properly. I could focus more on the information instead of focusing on the pictures.

I learnt lots of things about city's. Power points are a great way to show someone a lot about something. they are interesting because if you just read off a pice of paper it would be boring but if you had a powerpoint you could show pictures and information. The information on the powerpoint is easier and better to under stand because the person presetting could give you a summary of the page that your on while the ordnance is reading the information there self. so you have double the understanding. What I learnt about my presentation is if you make a mistake you always have the powerpoint on the screen behind or beside you you can look back at the screen and read it off until you get the next bit. I found that I forgot a lot but I had the screen to back me up.

This post explains what I think of Power points including mine

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolution

This year my goal is going to be A's or b+'s in every subject because the better grades, the better university I will get into and that will lead to a good job and so on. You need a good job so you can do more things in life or you could just get a decent job. I am going to try really hard to get good grades.

My other goal is going to be to help new kids in 6th grade. This year I am a peer helper. I want to be a peer helper because I want to help new people to feel like they fit in, to help them to make friends, show them around so they know where all there classes are. I believe I can be a peer helper because I have had experience in 5th grade and I am respectful, kind, bright, helpful, always on time and caring. I think that I can make school fun for all the new kids. I get a green top, get to go to meetings and get to go to a pool party at the end of the year. But most of all I get to be proud of my self.

My last goal is to read lots of books so I can get my reading level higher. I feel that I need to do more reading. I try hard to find books I like. Reading will help me in life when I am in university to get a good job. It is important goal because if my reading level was a year behind i wont get such a good job. If I had a reading level that was one year higher I would get a better job. Read is one of the most important skills that you need in life.    

Last year I went to NZ. My main highlight is going to Mt Manganui to go surfing with my friends for 3 days. Jack and I were in the water out back were the waves were big. There was a wave coming towards us; suddenly I paddled as hard as I could. In a flash I was up on my board and surfing. I was losing control and my legs were wobbly like a person had no bones. I fell into the water and was tumbling all around. I got back up and paddled out again. I was getting lots of waves but later on in the day the waves were small so I could not surf. Jack and I went back up to the batch and ate dinner.

I hope I achieve these goals by the end of this year!!!