Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Learning Profile

1. I learn best when......
I am a kinesthetic/visual learner. I learn best when I am moving and focusing on the whole picture. I also do best when the learning is relevant and meaningful to me. For example in Health we got into partners and acted out different types of behaviors. I feel that I really understood the different behaviors when I acted them out.

2. I need to .....
 In order to learn best I need to see the whole picture and physically do what is being learned. I need to move, especially my hands and feet to process new learning.

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning....
 I need to have encouragement and good modeling from those teaching me. I need to sit close to the front on the left hand side and be able to move around without disturbing others. Some activities that help are reading aloud, doing the thinking caps from brain gym, eye hand coordination play, double doodles, walking and soccer. When I have a balance of art, music, movement and intra-personal skills combined with language arts and math it is beneficial.
4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....
My teacher puts me at the front and doesn't really allow me to move around that much. I hopes she understands that I need to move and will move me back further in the class so that I don't bother others. I want my teacher to know that i need to do activities that involves putting my hands on things It also helps if i sit on the floor.

I hope my teacher understands me and lets mr do most of these things.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lit circle

Three of the benefits of working with a classmate is that you can discuss about the chapter and the passage, also you can edit each others work and give feed back to them. When you discuss with a partner some times they give you ideas and good questions. When i worked with Jake he helped me by talking about pictures and then it gave me the idea of putting a picture on my passage. I think it is a good idea to edit other peoples work. Then you can get feed back, so you can change your sentences to make them better or if they saw a spelling error.

Me and Jake had a challenge that we had to overcome it was that we had to find out if the plant was called sticky plant or just a plant. First we went back and found the chapter it was in. Next we found out what page it was in. Third we found out that it was called plant not sticky plant. Finally we discussed why it didn't say sticky plant because the dust stuck to Jacob. That was our main problem/challenge.

The novel helped me understand the life in Kenya. It talked about how Kenya is a poor country and they have low food supply which makes food more expensive. I think the book has made me learn a lot about Kenya because in Kenya a lot of things is happening. It also showed me how the people live in the jungle and survive by rolling around in red dust and blend in with your surroundings, not killing nature by letting animals kill each other and take the meat so you don't have to kill nature.

These were some reasons why i think you should work with a partner and what challenges my partner and i have to get through, and what life in Kenya was about.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

LIt Discussion

1. How your groups discussion helped your understanding of the novel.

My group discussion help me under stand the novel because you get to hear everyones opinion and what they think is going on in the book. If it is only your opinion you cant really get the best idea of the story. If you hear 2 or more opinions you will have the best understanding of the book you are reading. You also get a feel of what other people think about the book and get to share your ideas with the group. It mainly helped my understanding of the novel by getting to know other peoples ideas and what they think about the book.

Connections that you made during your discussion?

I made some connections in the book. These are some of the connections. The zoo in the book and the zoo in NZ and how Jacob didn't want to go Nebraska and that i didn't want to go to Malaysia.
In the zoo in the book it reminded me of the NZ zoo i remember going up to the meerkats and seeing them. When i got their and there were people looking at them they didn't really come out of there burrows. When everyone left and there were less people the meerkats would come out just like when Jacob went to the zoo and told how he only really saw the animals when people were'nt around they would come out. When Jacob found out he had to go to Nebraska he was mad. When i got told we had to move to Malaysia i was mad.

I have two predictions they were i think JAcob will try to find his dad but then end up on the wrong flight and bill will come with him to Africa.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

gun, germs and steel

Papua new guinea has less resources and has less technology and less larger animals and poorer types of food.  These are some reasons why NZ and Australia are more rich.

NZ and Australia larger islands than Papua new guinea when England ship prisoners over and put them in jail normally after getting out of jail they would stay in Australia and raise kids and buy a house and live there instead of going back to england. NZ and Australia have more and different resources than papua new guinea.For example NZ have different animals that help pull things and produce different things. NZ also have better machines and more wealthy people. They also have more population so if they have more population they have more jobs so things can get done. The bad thing is that there is more people to feed and land for them to live.  In Papua new guinea there are more native people than white people because when they came it was a poor country and they didn't need anything so they didn't bother put up comuities there because they weren't interested in the island and they also didn't get along with them.

In Papua New Guinea the type of food they could grow was not as good as the crops grown in Europe. This meant they had to spend most of their time working to get enough food to survive. Also Papua New Guinea did not have the right type of animals to help them farm. In Europe they grew wheat and had cattle,horses,cows and sheep. The People in Europe were living in the right place to get ahead. The people in Europe got more technology and they went to settle in NZ and Aus.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I could hear the giants coming they were getting closer one by one my friends were getting squashed. I have to work out what to do to survive this invasion of the giants. I have to find my kids and save them. I must take them to our borrow. Arrrrrrrr "help me" I am being chased by giants. I can hear my kids calling " dad under the mud go quickly". Save your self kids and take your sister through the under ground tunnel and out the other side of the bridge. I'll tell every one to retreat to the tunnel and meet you on the other side of the bridge. "Ok"

"Guys retreat back through the tunnels quickly". One of the mudskippers shout out" its blocked" the giants must of destroyed it. It's imposable to fix it in only a matter of time. We must find another way. "Lets go", come on. Look I see another way through the mangroves it looks risky. "should we take the path?" um "yes" let’s hurry. I finally find something to eat. I will give the food to the little mudskippers they need the energy and strength the most. "Lets continue". It looks like we are going to come through crab territory they are  vicious. (Someone shouts out) lets find another way we all ready have enough trouble With the giants. its to late we have to sneak past them lets give it a shot "ok". 

Once we were on the other side we realized that we had made it back through  the other side of the bridge safely. I ran to my family so did every other mud skipper. We all had a chat and told our stories about the other way home. After that we all had to build the broken tunnel, which took us along time!!!!!!!!    

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I remember a time when i was at my old school and I saw a fight and did nothing about it. Two guys were fighting at the very edge of the school alone and I just happened to be play tag and ran past there. Then i saw them fighting I felt like doing something but if I did I was afraid that he would do something to me so I just pretended that nothing had happen and ran off.
That night i felt really bad and I couldn't get to sleep. I kept worrying about it and thinking that how saw me a now he thinks that I might tell so he might do something to me but i suddenly went to sleep. In the morning I was really nervous about going to school but when I got to school nothing happened for the whole day and that is how i saw and did nothing about the bullying.  

Monday, September 13, 2010

A time when I showed courage was when I was doing my first Interschool Cross Country race in Malaysia. We had to run 1.5 km half way around a lake. I was in 4th grade when I did this.

I was nervous and scared because it was my first time running for my new school ISKL. It was scary because there were so many people from different schools and people watching me. I wanted to represent my school and show how well I could do and my school could do. I wanted to try hard and be proud of how I did and also to have fun and be fit.

When I finished the race it felt good but I also felt a bit sick and needed a lot of water. I was very hot and sweaty. Mr Whiting was at the finish line and said “ Nice One Mate” as I crossed the line.  I was proud of what I achieved and it was worth trying hard and having the courage to do something new.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blogpost 3 question 3

Archeologists studied artifacts from early humans to learn about how the cave people lived. One of the reasons is because of the cave paintings.

One of the Artifacts was found in france, deep in side the cave in a low room. The clay sculpture of the two bisons was 23 inches long and made 10 to 14 thousand years ago and made out of stone, with cracks in the golden clay bisons. There was also a blue light in the back ground. The two main ideas about these cave sculptures are because the cave belonged to a certain clan and there were special ceremony called the coming of age, deep inside the cave. one small clue that the scientists found was foot prints of young people have been found near this sculpture.

Another painting was the cave painting of the animals. There were seven deer and a chest in the background. The uneven walls made it look like a tunnel. This painting was created over 17,000 years ago. Social scientists believe that artists wanted to capture the "magical powers" of the animals. It was painted because they believed in spirits.

By studying all these artifacts Archeologists learned about the life of early humans.    

Friday, August 13, 2010


   An Archaeologist studies people and the things they did a long time ago by looking at the things they left behind. They often have to dig things up that have been hidden along time. 

Archaeologists normally work on sites. A site is a place where they find old artifacts (these are things made by people a long time ago). Sites are normally out side and the work is physical. They use a pick axe to pick at the rocks and shovels to dig. They use a lot of measuring tools to record where they find things. I like doing physical tasks and would be good at this.

There are lots of people working on a site. You can have geologists helping you working out the soil types and where best to dig. You can have construction workers, they make the land safe for workers. You have people digging some people sifting the dirt for artifacts and also people recording and labeling things found. It takes a lot of team work. I like to work outside and work in a team. This is something i would like to do.

After they find artifacts they go back to their laboratory to study what they have found. Archaeologists are like detectives because they find out how the humans lived in the past. 

 The pictures show archaeologists working on a site


Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hi my name is Sam and my birthday is coming soon. I am from New Zealand and have one sister in 4th grade, two Hamsters named Coke and Junior, a cat named Bella and some fish.

The last three books I have read are... Warriors the Fire and Ice By Erin Hunter, Warriors the Forest of Secrets and Warriors the Rising Storm. All by the same author. All those books are about 4  different clans of cats Wind clan, Shadow clan, River clan and Thunder clan, how they can survive in the woods and try to get along with each other.

 The last movie I saw was the Last Air Bender about the four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Long ago there was an Avatar - an air bender who is trying to save the world because the fire nation attacked but before he defeats the fire lord he must master all four elements.  

My academic goal is to get good grades! What I need to do is never forget my homework and get   organized!

My favorite holiday was when I visited  the Gold Coast in  Australia. I went to  all the theme parks such as Movie World, Sea World and Wet 'n Wild. I was 7 at the time and I went with my Grandmother.

I would describe myself as:

  •  nice
  •  sporty
  •  caring
  •  friendly
  •  fun

This is my first blog entry. I hope you enjoy my blog!!!!!!!!!!!