Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Well We Think We Did and How We need to Improve on Our Power Point

I think I did well on my power point because I explained everything good. It took me a while to get all my facts because I had no internet and I did it all at school. I am proud of myself because I got a great grade. I also had a peer helper editor which helped me so they could see any mistakes that I missed. I had 12 slides instead of 6 and much more information. I also added a bit about my city. Over all I think I did great.

I would improve my facts make them more detailed and more interesting and also be prepared to answer questions. I think I need to be a bit louder and site my sources properly. We are learning in class to site our sources properly. I could focus more on the information instead of focusing on the pictures.

I learnt lots of things about city's. Power points are a great way to show someone a lot about something. they are interesting because if you just read off a pice of paper it would be boring but if you had a powerpoint you could show pictures and information. The information on the powerpoint is easier and better to under stand because the person presetting could give you a summary of the page that your on while the ordnance is reading the information there self. so you have double the understanding. What I learnt about my presentation is if you make a mistake you always have the powerpoint on the screen behind or beside you you can look back at the screen and read it off until you get the next bit. I found that I forgot a lot but I had the screen to back me up.

This post explains what I think of Power points including mine

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolution

This year my goal is going to be A's or b+'s in every subject because the better grades, the better university I will get into and that will lead to a good job and so on. You need a good job so you can do more things in life or you could just get a decent job. I am going to try really hard to get good grades.

My other goal is going to be to help new kids in 6th grade. This year I am a peer helper. I want to be a peer helper because I want to help new people to feel like they fit in, to help them to make friends, show them around so they know where all there classes are. I believe I can be a peer helper because I have had experience in 5th grade and I am respectful, kind, bright, helpful, always on time and caring. I think that I can make school fun for all the new kids. I get a green top, get to go to meetings and get to go to a pool party at the end of the year. But most of all I get to be proud of my self.

My last goal is to read lots of books so I can get my reading level higher. I feel that I need to do more reading. I try hard to find books I like. Reading will help me in life when I am in university to get a good job. It is important goal because if my reading level was a year behind i wont get such a good job. If I had a reading level that was one year higher I would get a better job. Read is one of the most important skills that you need in life.    

Last year I went to NZ. My main highlight is going to Mt Manganui to go surfing with my friends for 3 days. Jack and I were in the water out back were the waves were big. There was a wave coming towards us; suddenly I paddled as hard as I could. In a flash I was up on my board and surfing. I was losing control and my legs were wobbly like a person had no bones. I fell into the water and was tumbling all around. I got back up and paddled out again. I was getting lots of waves but later on in the day the waves were small so I could not surf. Jack and I went back up to the batch and ate dinner.

I hope I achieve these goals by the end of this year!!!