Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I remember a time when i was at my old school and I saw a fight and did nothing about it. Two guys were fighting at the very edge of the school alone and I just happened to be play tag and ran past there. Then i saw them fighting I felt like doing something but if I did I was afraid that he would do something to me so I just pretended that nothing had happen and ran off.
That night i felt really bad and I couldn't get to sleep. I kept worrying about it and thinking that how saw me a now he thinks that I might tell so he might do something to me but i suddenly went to sleep. In the morning I was really nervous about going to school but when I got to school nothing happened for the whole day and that is how i saw and did nothing about the bullying.  

Monday, September 13, 2010

A time when I showed courage was when I was doing my first Interschool Cross Country race in Malaysia. We had to run 1.5 km half way around a lake. I was in 4th grade when I did this.

I was nervous and scared because it was my first time running for my new school ISKL. It was scary because there were so many people from different schools and people watching me. I wanted to represent my school and show how well I could do and my school could do. I wanted to try hard and be proud of how I did and also to have fun and be fit.

When I finished the race it felt good but I also felt a bit sick and needed a lot of water. I was very hot and sweaty. Mr Whiting was at the finish line and said “ Nice One Mate” as I crossed the line.  I was proud of what I achieved and it was worth trying hard and having the courage to do something new.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blogpost 3 question 3

Archeologists studied artifacts from early humans to learn about how the cave people lived. One of the reasons is because of the cave paintings.

One of the Artifacts was found in france, deep in side the cave in a low room. The clay sculpture of the two bisons was 23 inches long and made 10 to 14 thousand years ago and made out of stone, with cracks in the golden clay bisons. There was also a blue light in the back ground. The two main ideas about these cave sculptures are because the cave belonged to a certain clan and there were special ceremony called the coming of age, deep inside the cave. one small clue that the scientists found was foot prints of young people have been found near this sculpture.

Another painting was the cave painting of the animals. There were seven deer and a chest in the background. The uneven walls made it look like a tunnel. This painting was created over 17,000 years ago. Social scientists believe that artists wanted to capture the "magical powers" of the animals. It was painted because they believed in spirits.

By studying all these artifacts Archeologists learned about the life of early humans.