Sunday, December 9, 2012

Terry Fox

Each year in the USA there are over 1,500,000 deaths to some form of cancer. ( Although the deaths from cancer are decreasing each year in the USA the rates are still significant and unacceptable. People from around the globe are doing their part to help fight this terrible disease.  Around the world each year there are many events held to raise money to fight cancer. One of the biggest events that has been held yearly since 1981 is the Terry Fox run. Terry Fox a 19 year old canadian was diagnosed with bone cancer.The pain was so bad he got his right leg amputated 6 inches above knee. Terry Fox was angry that their was so little money for bone cancer research in canada. So he decided to start a Marathon of Hope where he would run across Canada raising money for bone cancer research so others like him could one day be cured. The Terry Fox Run has since its inception, raised millions of dollars for cancer research, promoted awareness of cancer around the globe and involved people from all age groups to take part in beating cancer so that one day it can be defeated.

Awareness of cancer is everywhere. There is fund raising for breast cancer across the globe with ‘pink ribbon’ being the symbol to show your support. There is the month of november which men choose to promote awareness through calling the month ‘Movember’ and growing facial hair to show their support for mens health, especially cancer. The Terry Fox run has helped raised lots of awareness for cancer research. The run started off being in one country, Canada. There were over 300,000 people who participated in the first Terry Fox run. It raised 3.5 million dollars. Once people heard about this the run it spread through many countries because people started to realize that cancer affects people of all kinds. It does not discriminate. Most people know someone who has had to deal with cancer. It could be friends or family members or just someone they knew and they want to help. This awareness has raised each year across the globe. The Terry Fox run is instrumental each year in bringing cancer awareness to many people. Not only did the Terry Fox run raise awareness around the globe it also raises money for cancer research.

Money is desperately needed to fund the centres and hundreds of scientists who work to find cures for all types of Cancer. Terry Fox is just one of many ways people across the globe can support for cancer research. The run has raised millions of dollars for cancer research. At the end of his personal run called ‘The Marathon of Hope’  he raised 24 million dollars for cancer research. People wanted to continue the run and to continue raising money for cancer research. The first Terry Fox run was held on September 13, 1981 just a few months after Terry died. The run raised 3.5 million dollars. Each year since more and more people have heard about it and decided to take part. People from all over the world take part in Terry Fox today. By the end of 2010 the run had raised 553 million dollars for cancer research. Wow! This event has been a huge success all over the world. With this money we can fight cancer and hopefully find a cure for this deadly disease.

It is not just those who know people who have cancer or young people who are fit that go out and support the Terry Fox run. People who can walk, or run usually are able to take part in the run but today there are new programs that they are starting to involve people who no matter what age or state they are in. For example, the silver fox run a great program that enables senior citizens who can’t walk or run to take part by making things or cooking food or anything that they can sell to raise money for the Terry Fox foundations. Terry Fox believed that anyone could make a difference no matter what situation.

Through one young man’s tragic ending the Terry Fox run continues to enlighten people and give them hope. Through raising worldwide awareness to the issues of cancer to raising money around the world to fund the research going on to help cure cancer and involving people of all abilities no matter what their ages are to support the Terry Fox run it is hoped one day a cure will be found for all types of cancer. Terry Fox’s life is a inspiration to everyone.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Making a Difference

Making a Difference

There are thousands of displaced people around the globe today and many of these people are children. 2012 has the most displaced people around the world since the 1990s.  This means there are now 43.3m people forcibly displaced around the world - including: 27.1m internally displaced people (IDP) and 15.6m refugees”(The Guardian). In Africa the problem is severe. 60,000 people have fled from the Democratic Republic of the Congo because rebel forces were taking over and murdering the citizens. Most of them have lost their families and have nowhere to go except into refugee camps. One of these people is Baruani Ndume, a boy who was only 12 years old when this happened. He wanted to make a difference and help the other refugee children with their problems and challenges, so he creates a radio station to try to help them and give them hope and happiness. 

Baruani creates a radio station and gives the opportunity to many of the children in the camps with similar concerns to talk about their problems and challenges that they have faced. Baruani cares and wants to make a difference in the lives of others who struggle. Baruani works to help these children in a very special way...he has succeeded in setting up a radio programme in which he talks about problems and challenges with his peer refugee children” (Children’s Peace Prize). Baruani worked hard and succeeded to make a radio station that the people in the refugee camps can share their problems and challenges. Baruani has a great ideas to help other people. He does not just feel sorry for himself but is proactive in helping other to have a better life. He fled the country because the rebels were still there. While fleeing the country, he lost his parents and ended up in the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania. Besides listening to others concerns and problems and giving them a voice on the radio, he also decides to try and make a difference by hearing about those who have also lost their parents or loved ones and then helping them to reunite with them.

Barunai tries really hard to get his peers and other people to be reunited with their family. On his show, he tries to reunite children and parents who have become separated while escaping from DR Congo” (Childrens peace prize). Baruani tries hard to get the refugee children reunited with their families. By being reunited the children will be safer, happier and more likely to live a better life. They won’t have to struggle trying to survive and get their basic needs met on their own. This does not mean that life will be simple but with family they will have a better chance. Baruani doesn’t want them to have to go through what he went through. This radio station was very successful with several countries nearby as they picked up the broadcast and it made it more popular and useful to others. ”The programme has been highly successful and is now broadcast in DR Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, and Rwanda. Thanks to this. many children have been reunited with their families” (Children peace prize) Baruani has made a big change for many refugee children and their families. Thanks to his radio station, more of the kids in the refugee camps have been reunited with loved ones and are living a better life.

Baruani continues to help refugee children with their problems and challenges to try and make a difference. Baruani hopes that people will start to think about the problems in refugee camps and with displaced people and is showing them by doing something about it. By being an example to others, by showing that he cares and by spreading his talents around Africa and the world he is making a difference. Even if it is something small it can make a difference between to bettering a life. Baruani Ndume is a young man who is making a difference in the lives of other people.

Monday, September 17, 2012

All About Me

I am from the open waters of NZ.  I am from the cool breeze of the outdoors.  Where it is not to hot and not to cold. I am from the soft sand beneath your feet. I am made from glass and fur.

I am from the tall skytower watching over the city like it knows where everything is. My lolies safe on the top shelf where my sister can’t reach. My values packed away along with my memories..

I am from toys and games from trucks to cars. I am the speed of a Lamborghini—
Always winning races. I am from the rainbow with fun and bright ideas.  I am from the city full with people rushing everywhere.

I am from video games the thing I am addicted to most. I am from the Avengers as cool as ironman. I am from a nuke powerful and fearless


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Who Had The Best Claim

In 1066 King Edward died. Since King Edward had no children 3 men wanted to be King, they were Duke William, Harold Godwinson and Harald Hardrada. They all had there reasons to become king. ether King Edward said they could or were just really powerful. They all wanted to be King but one day Duke William sent a fleet of ships to attack Harold Godwinson at the same time Harald Hardrada attack and got to england first so Harold raced up to fight Harald. Harold managed to fight of Harald and kill him. After the fight they found out that Duke William had landed so Harold raced down to fight Duke William but lost. Duke william became the king . I think Duke William should be the king because he is the most powerful out of all of them. He also has the pope on his side to help him.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Values and choices.

I witnessed physical bullying in ISKL. People were shoving each other in the corridors around the seventh grade area. I wanted to say something to try stop it but the thought of that made me think that it could happen to me. I wish I did stand up for this person but I didn’t have the courage.

In the book boy and stripped pyjamas a lot of unpleasant things happen. 1 of them was violence. Not many people like the Jews so Jews had limited options. They couldn’t say anything against the Nazi’s if they did they will be executed and so will their family.
1.What’s familiar about the incident Eve describes?

This happens in lots of schools from elementary to high school. It happens in ISKL and my old school.

2.What surprised you?

It suprized me that she didn't do anything about the popular girls taking the diary. I think she didn't because she really wanted to be a part of the popular group.

3.How does Eve’s story relate to bullying? Was she bullied? Did she bully? How would you explain her behavior?( perpetrator/bystander/victim?). make sure you justify( back up your answer.

She was one of the 3 people that got bullied in all sorts of ways. But for once she got invited to see something and it was about one of the other 3 people getting bullied. She didn't do anything about even though she new what that felt like to be bullied.

4.How did Eve’s need to belong affect the way she responded when another girl was being mocked? Why does her response still trouble her? How do you like to think you would have responded to the incident?
I would probably do what she did and go a long with it because that will most likely not happen again. If that was your only chance I would go a long with it because if you did something they would tell you to go away and you just wasted that chance.

5. Eve concludes “Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself, even though the satisfaction does not last.’ What does she mean?

I think she means that she wants to be accept by other people apart from herself. She wants to be in a group with other people.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I was given a story about a person named La Chambon. This is based in southern France in a village. These rescuers risk there lives for Jewish refugee's. They hide them from the Nazi's

What did you learn from the stories of rescuers?

I learned that these people are very brave and really disagree with what the Nazi's are doing. La Chambon also helped a lot because it was something to do with there Religion. These people are brave because they were one of the ones who weren't afraid of Hitler. A lot of people followed Hitler because they feared what will happen to them if they did not do it.

What do they teach us about human behavior?

They teach us about bravery and to not forget what happened so it is not repeated. They showed us how they could help people. They teached us a lot about the religion of how it was part of there religion to do this. The rule of equality and respect to humans are common in most religions.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I chose the poem Victory because it is interesting and I understand it the best. This poem is about Sonia Weitz and her father seeing each other for the last time. They new they were both going to die. Her father was once strong but then the Nazi's took him away to a concretization camp when he came back he was very weak. There last days together before they got separated. They were dancing and enjoying what they could, they new they would not have another chance. I found this poem sad and depressing because it is about 2 people knowing they will die and describing there last days together

Sunday, February 19, 2012

HItler was lucky.

In this time peroid Hitler was very lucky. 1 of these lucky times were when The Treaty of Versailles was signed. Not many people like this so he said he could make this better if he was in control. Another example is when
the markets crashed he saw this as a great advantage because all the people weren't buying anything because of the treaty so he told everyone that he was against this and that he could make it all better if he was in control. After all this Hitler became chancellor. Then there was a big big surprise. The president died of old age and he was the only one stoping Hitler from becoming the president. Hitler again saw this as a opportunity and made himself president because he was second in command so it was his turn to become president. So he took control of germany.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Nuremberg Race Laws

1. People who have three or four grandparents are considered a Jew. Regardless of what religion you are.
2. Aryanizing means that a lot of business owned by Jews were going to be over through by Germans. The germans would be buying them for fixed prices by Nazis
3.The Jewish doctors were not allowed to treat non Jewish people and Jewish lawyers aren't allowed to practice law.
4. They need to have a red J stamped of the card and new middle names Israel for males and sara for females for those who did not possess recognizably
5. This law is about marriage. You need a certificate to get married this certificate tells you that ou are in good condition and you are keeping fit.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Treaty

I think that it is unfair to the germans. They only have a certain a mount of soliders and ships. If they were attacked they would be defenseless. So they could not stop other countries of attacking them. I also think it is fair because they have to pay for all the damage. That came to around 33billion dollars. Germany weren't the only ones who caused damage. I think 3/4s of it is fair and the other 1/4 is not fair.