Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making the invisible, visible

We have recently been learning about human rights in our humanities 8 class. We looked at many human rights issues that impact our world. As a class we choose one that we would like to learn more about and help find solutions to bring about change. Our class decided on Human Trafficking. Based on the information we have gathered we would like to raise awareness about the problem of Human Trafficking in Malaysia. I think this is important because this is one of the more serious problems in the world and it is a horrible thing to be trafficked. We must stop the buying and selling of Human beings!!!

This is important to our community because this happens everywhere and can happen to anyone. It is important to spread the word about human trafficking so people can be aware of this major problem. If people aren't aware of the problem that happens all over the world then they can't do anything to stop it.
By raising awareness then the people who don't know could do something about it.

I have encountered a lot of things that I did not know like 600,000 to 800,000 people get trafficked a year! I found this very surprising because I knew in the olden days that there was lots of slavery but it's shocking to know it still happens to day to this many people a year. I also found that human trafficking is one of the biggest problems in the world. 600,000 to 800,000 people spend 5-15 years being controlled by horrible people. I think that this is one of the biggest problems because get put through horrible things everyday for 5-15 years or more. Those were the two things that shocked me the most.

I am very glad we are learning about this because before this until I didn't know what this was but now I know a lot about it, and since it is a major problem in the world its good to know how we could help or raise awareness. This makes me feel angry and sad because people's lives belong to someone else who has complete control over it, and these are real stories that we hear about people being trafficked. It makes me angry is well because why would someone do that. How could u trick someone into working somewhere and then taking complete control over them and making them do anything for you. I think people need to be more aware of this problem, because this happens everywhere and to anyone.