Sunday, December 9, 2012

Terry Fox

Each year in the USA there are over 1,500,000 deaths to some form of cancer. ( Although the deaths from cancer are decreasing each year in the USA the rates are still significant and unacceptable. People from around the globe are doing their part to help fight this terrible disease.  Around the world each year there are many events held to raise money to fight cancer. One of the biggest events that has been held yearly since 1981 is the Terry Fox run. Terry Fox a 19 year old canadian was diagnosed with bone cancer.The pain was so bad he got his right leg amputated 6 inches above knee. Terry Fox was angry that their was so little money for bone cancer research in canada. So he decided to start a Marathon of Hope where he would run across Canada raising money for bone cancer research so others like him could one day be cured. The Terry Fox Run has since its inception, raised millions of dollars for cancer research, promoted awareness of cancer around the globe and involved people from all age groups to take part in beating cancer so that one day it can be defeated.

Awareness of cancer is everywhere. There is fund raising for breast cancer across the globe with ‘pink ribbon’ being the symbol to show your support. There is the month of november which men choose to promote awareness through calling the month ‘Movember’ and growing facial hair to show their support for mens health, especially cancer. The Terry Fox run has helped raised lots of awareness for cancer research. The run started off being in one country, Canada. There were over 300,000 people who participated in the first Terry Fox run. It raised 3.5 million dollars. Once people heard about this the run it spread through many countries because people started to realize that cancer affects people of all kinds. It does not discriminate. Most people know someone who has had to deal with cancer. It could be friends or family members or just someone they knew and they want to help. This awareness has raised each year across the globe. The Terry Fox run is instrumental each year in bringing cancer awareness to many people. Not only did the Terry Fox run raise awareness around the globe it also raises money for cancer research.

Money is desperately needed to fund the centres and hundreds of scientists who work to find cures for all types of Cancer. Terry Fox is just one of many ways people across the globe can support for cancer research. The run has raised millions of dollars for cancer research. At the end of his personal run called ‘The Marathon of Hope’  he raised 24 million dollars for cancer research. People wanted to continue the run and to continue raising money for cancer research. The first Terry Fox run was held on September 13, 1981 just a few months after Terry died. The run raised 3.5 million dollars. Each year since more and more people have heard about it and decided to take part. People from all over the world take part in Terry Fox today. By the end of 2010 the run had raised 553 million dollars for cancer research. Wow! This event has been a huge success all over the world. With this money we can fight cancer and hopefully find a cure for this deadly disease.

It is not just those who know people who have cancer or young people who are fit that go out and support the Terry Fox run. People who can walk, or run usually are able to take part in the run but today there are new programs that they are starting to involve people who no matter what age or state they are in. For example, the silver fox run a great program that enables senior citizens who can’t walk or run to take part by making things or cooking food or anything that they can sell to raise money for the Terry Fox foundations. Terry Fox believed that anyone could make a difference no matter what situation.

Through one young man’s tragic ending the Terry Fox run continues to enlighten people and give them hope. Through raising worldwide awareness to the issues of cancer to raising money around the world to fund the research going on to help cure cancer and involving people of all abilities no matter what their ages are to support the Terry Fox run it is hoped one day a cure will be found for all types of cancer. Terry Fox’s life is a inspiration to everyone.