Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Making a Difference

Making a Difference

There are thousands of displaced people around the globe today and many of these people are children. 2012 has the most displaced people around the world since the 1990s.  This means there are now 43.3m people forcibly displaced around the world - including: 27.1m internally displaced people (IDP) and 15.6m refugees”(The Guardian). In Africa the problem is severe. 60,000 people have fled from the Democratic Republic of the Congo because rebel forces were taking over and murdering the citizens. Most of them have lost their families and have nowhere to go except into refugee camps. One of these people is Baruani Ndume, a boy who was only 12 years old when this happened. He wanted to make a difference and help the other refugee children with their problems and challenges, so he creates a radio station to try to help them and give them hope and happiness. 

Baruani creates a radio station and gives the opportunity to many of the children in the camps with similar concerns to talk about their problems and challenges that they have faced. Baruani cares and wants to make a difference in the lives of others who struggle. Baruani works to help these children in a very special way...he has succeeded in setting up a radio programme in which he talks about problems and challenges with his peer refugee children” (Children’s Peace Prize). Baruani worked hard and succeeded to make a radio station that the people in the refugee camps can share their problems and challenges. Baruani has a great ideas to help other people. He does not just feel sorry for himself but is proactive in helping other to have a better life. He fled the country because the rebels were still there. While fleeing the country, he lost his parents and ended up in the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania. Besides listening to others concerns and problems and giving them a voice on the radio, he also decides to try and make a difference by hearing about those who have also lost their parents or loved ones and then helping them to reunite with them.

Barunai tries really hard to get his peers and other people to be reunited with their family. On his show, he tries to reunite children and parents who have become separated while escaping from DR Congo” (Childrens peace prize). Baruani tries hard to get the refugee children reunited with their families. By being reunited the children will be safer, happier and more likely to live a better life. They won’t have to struggle trying to survive and get their basic needs met on their own. This does not mean that life will be simple but with family they will have a better chance. Baruani doesn’t want them to have to go through what he went through. This radio station was very successful with several countries nearby as they picked up the broadcast and it made it more popular and useful to others. ”The programme has been highly successful and is now broadcast in DR Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, and Rwanda. Thanks to this. many children have been reunited with their families” (Children peace prize) Baruani has made a big change for many refugee children and their families. Thanks to his radio station, more of the kids in the refugee camps have been reunited with loved ones and are living a better life.

Baruani continues to help refugee children with their problems and challenges to try and make a difference. Baruani hopes that people will start to think about the problems in refugee camps and with displaced people and is showing them by doing something about it. By being an example to others, by showing that he cares and by spreading his talents around Africa and the world he is making a difference. Even if it is something small it can make a difference between to bettering a life. Baruani Ndume is a young man who is making a difference in the lives of other people.